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How to Win and Wow Clients

As I continue to plan for the upcoming Lunch and Learn: How to Win and Wow Clients, there are two simple truths in customer satisfaction. The two simple truths are consistency and keeping your word. There is no complex formula for Winning and Wowing your clients. Keep it simple.

Consistency is the first truth. One of the pillars in customer service is consistency. Consistency is not complex, but often over looked. Consistency simply means can your client’s depend on you? Clients want to know that your product or service will meet their needs every time. For example, one way that I am consistent is being responsive. I answer all communication from my clients in a timely manner. I believe that when I am responsive, I am showing respect to my client and their time. I also communicate to them ahead of time, if I will be out of the office for an extended time like vacations. I send all of my clients’ emails to let them know I will be out of the office and for how long. This shows them continued respect but also lessons the amount of emails and correspondence while I am away from the office.

Keeping your word is the second truth. Just like consistency, can your clients’ depend on you? Do you keep your word? Integrity is fundamental to me personally and professionally. Recently, I had a fellow event industry vendor refer me to their friend. I thanked my colleague for the referral and told them I would take great care of them. I kept my word. After a few meetings and correspondence, the client called my colleague. They communicated that they were extremely happy with my service and could not imagine planning their wedding without me. As I continued to keep my word, at the end of the event the client communicated that if I ever needed anything to let them know.

Consistency and keeping your word is very simple. Do and say the things that you would want if you were the client. Building a customer service system around these two simple truths will guarantee you to Win and Wow your clients!

See you Thursday, August 15 to unpack more simple truths. Visit our website to register today!

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